Tag Archives: scandal

Why UB and AP are Poorly-Rated at The Online Casino Gambling Directory

Here is the complete video of last week’s 60 Minutes report on the UltimateBet / Absolute Poker cheating scandal. In case you don’t know, a few big-money players were found to have been able to play at the site with the ability to see opponents’ hole cards; the report estimates that the cheaters got away with in the neighborhood of $20M.

One of the key elements of the report is that the current owner of UB / AP is a former member of the commission in charge of investigating the scandal — a clear conflict of interest.

The only thing that has kept UB / AP from being blacklisted at The Online Casino Gambling Directory is the fact that they are taking steps to repay the players that were cheated by the cheaters.


Cereus Poker Network = UB + AP

In the wake of their recent scandals, and ahead of an upcoming 60 Minutes expose, UltimateBet has announced that it has moved to a completely new poker platform called Cereus. UltimateBet, along with its sister site AbsolutePoker, are currently the only two poker rooms on the Cereus Poker Network; even so, they claim that the Cereus Poker Network is the world’s third largest.

An initial look at the new software does not reveal much new by way of features and the interface itself. Instead, players are asked to believe that most of the improvements are under the hood, and that Cereus is “… the strongest poker platform on earth”. This remains to be seen, but it is hard to believe that the folks at UB and AP would leave any security vulnerability open after the disasters of the past months.

Both UltimateBet and AbsolutePoker have upped their new player bonus to 200%, with the bonus at UB being capped at $1100 and the bonus at AP capped at $500.

(Please note: Both UltimateBet and AbsolutePoker accept U.S. residents from all states. Wherever you live, please check your local, state and provincial laws before you gamble online.)
